The Future of NanoTechnology + Its Unique Use In Diabetic Patients

6 min readNov 23, 2020

Not everything always has to be HUGE to make an impact on the world. Remember that saying, “ a small thing goes a long way” — well that is true. Nanotechnology refers to the control of matter on the molecular scale- normally 1 to 100 nanometers.

A nanometer is ONE BILLIONTH of a meter. This can be hard to visualize so here is something to help you! This is 100,000 times smaller than the length of a human hair, and there are 25,400,000 nanometres in an inch!

Nanoscale in relation to human hair

When you break an object down into the scale of nanometers, the physical and chemical properties of matter change. Materials at the nanoscale have greater properties such as higher strength, lighter weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than things in the larger scale.

Phases of Nanotechnology

Since there are many fields and applications that Nano-technoology can be used for, Mike Rocco from the U.S National Nanotechnology initiative divided nanotech into four generations. This is very helpful in our understanding of the implications of this technology, and can help us predict the future.

Generation 1: Passive Nanostructures

Passive Nano-structures are the first generations of nanotechnology, and is the one we are currently in. This is the creation of materials where we can control their structure at a molecular level. Specifically, the material properties are what we control, not the actual product. This includes the creation and addition of nano-scale particles that change the properties of existing material. For example, nanotech sunscreens were improved due to passive nanostructures. The Zinc Oxide and Titanium made it even more effective. Another example is golf balls; they were improved due to passive nanostructures. They used carbon nanotubes in golf balls which led to better performance that was achieved.

Carbon Nanotubes around a Golf Ball

Generation 2: Active Nano-structures

We are now moving into Generation Two. This stage focuses on active nanostructures that change their size, shape, conductivity or other properties during use. This stage is different to generation 1 because these nanostructures make actual changes to different things. In a way they are “active” and are able to change to other objects or materials. An example of this generation is self healing materials and targeted drugs. Self healing materials are an example of active nanostructures because they can always transform. These materials include metal and plastic coatings which on specific triggers, repair damage caused by corrosion and mechanical damage.

Examples of Self Healing Materials

Targeted drug delivery is an example of active nanostructures because this is used to increase the concentration of a medicine in certain parts of the body. Active targeting of nanoparticles loaded with medicine increases the effects of passive targeting to make the nanoparticle more specific to a place of target. Therefore, using both passive and active targeting, a drug-loaded nanoparticle has a higher advantage over a regular medicine.

How Targeted Drug Delivery Works

Generation 3: Systems of Nanosystems

Generation three is where we still need to reach. It includes three-dimensional nanosystems and systems of nanosystems using various assembly techniques. For example bio-assembly, and networking at the nanoscale. An example of bio assembly is polymer nanosystems. These are used in their potential biomedical applications. A nanonetwork is also known as a nanoscale. The network is a set of interconnected nanomachines (devices a few hundred nanometers in size), which are able to perform only very simple tasks such as computing, data storing and sensing.

The third generation nanotech is where we see various nano-machines working together. This stage is the more advanced and one of the biggest ways nanotech could be used to make an impact on the large scale. Nanofactories assembling molecules or large-scale machines and materials are an example of nanotech in this generation. This is the generation of the nanobot and complex nanomachines, where everything changes.

Generation 4: Molecular Nano-Systems

Fourth-generation is the most advanced and at this level, we have complete control of the actual molecules that make up our nano-machines. This includes materials by design and molecular nanosystems. Each molecule in nano-systems has a specific structure and will play a different role. Eventually, this will include molecular devices by design, atomic design which will then result in emerging functions.


One major field nanotech is disrupting is the field of medicine. Specifically, curing diabetes. Recently, at MIT they have created injectable nanoparticles that could potentially end the need for patients with Type 1 diabetes to constantly monitor their blood sugar levels. This means they could stop injecting insulin. This treatment could impact the lives of about 1.5 million people per year diagnosed with diabetes.

The problem is that in type 1 diabetes the pancreas can’t make insulin. The body can still get glucose from food, but the glucose can’t get into the cells, where it’s needed, and glucose stays in the blood. This makes the blood sugar level very high. Right now, diabetic patients can get insulin through shots or pens. Insulin can be injected into the fat below your skin with a syringe and needle that holds the insulin attached. This can be very inconvenient , especially when testing if their blood sugars are high to determine if they need insulin injected because of high blood sugar.

Targeted Cell using NanoTech

Structure Of This New Application

The invention of nanoparticles made from a gel like structure would be injected into your body when needed. The nanoparticles were designed to sense glucose levels in the body and respond by creating the appropriate amount of insulin, thereby replacing the function of pancreatic islet cells, which are destroyed in patients with Type 1 diabetes. The gel contains a mixture of oppositely charged nanoparticles that attract each other. This keeps the gel intact and prevents the particles from drifting away once inside the body.

The nanoparticles were designed to sense glucose levels in the body and respond by creating the appropriate amount of insulin, thereby replacing the function of pancreatic islet cells, which are destroyed in patients with Type 1 diabetes. Ultimately, this type of system could ensure that blood-sugar levels remain balanced and improve patients’ quality of life and reduce the amount of times insulin must be injected.

Why is this advancement important?

Overall, Nanotechnology is a field that is continuously developing. Nano Technology has made huge impacts in the field of medicine, for example in Diabetic Patients. This advancement will help the type 1 diabteic patient population on a bigger scale and their daily lives. These four generations are important to keep in mind when learning the different parts about NanoTechnology. There are many fields this technology is disrupting- the field of medicine is one of the major ones.

🔑 Takeaways:

  • Generation 1: The stage we are currently in. It involves the development of passive nanostructures: materials with steady structures and functions, often used as parts of a product.
  • Generation 2: The second stage, focuses on active nano-structures that change their size, shape, conductivity or other properties during use.
  • Generation 3: Mastery with systems of nano-structures, directing large numbers of intricate components.
  • Generation 4: Most advanced one yet. Includes materials by design and molecular nano-systems.
  • Field of Medicine: Nanoparticles made from gel injected in your body can replace the insulin shot needed frequently in Type 1 Diabetic Patients.

